Home Birth Services
Choosing home birth
Choosing to have your baby at home can feel like a big decision. We offer free consults for families still deciding if this is the right option for them. Once receiving community-based prenatal care, we provide continuous screening for risk factors and developing complications to ensure home delivery remains a good choice.
What prenatal care looks like
Prenatal care follows the same frequency of visits as in hospital-based practices. Visits are longer (30-60 minutes) and provide ample time for discussion, childbirth preparation, and emotional support. Routine lab work is handled during your visits with no need for separate trips to a collection site. Ultrasounds can be ordered as and if indicated with our wonderful collaborating physicians. Prenatal visits take place in a combination of your home and our office location in North Reading, MA.
Labor & Delivery
Delivering in your home is a unique and transformative experience. You choose who and how many people will be there. Some families want a quiet, private experience in which even the midwife spends most of the time in an adjacent room, joining the labor space only to monitor birthing person and baby's well-being. Other families welcome their new additions with the whole clan, inviting aunties, cousins, and the family pet into the birth space.
Your midwife brings all supplies and medications needed to ensure a safe delivery for you and baby--including supplies for IV rehydration, prevention and management of postpartum bleeding, support for the newborn transition to breathing, and supplies to numb and repair tears should those be necessary after delivery.
After the birth
Community-based midwifery care includes at least 6 weeks of comprehensive support for the postpartum transition. Our families receive a minimum of four, 1-2 hour long visits that provide lactation support, breastfeeding counseling, adjustment support for parents and older siblings, evaluation and care for normal healing and recovery for the birthing person and the newborn, and customized herbal healing support (if desired).
Considering delivering at home?
Home-based care offers a personalized, birth experience that naturally matches your families rhythms and preferences.
Experienced midwives provide support, screening, and care from early pregnancy through the entire post-partum and neonatal period to keep you and your baby safe.