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Short-Term Technical Assistance

Remote & In-Person

Short-term assistance in any of my technical areas can be provided remotely via phone, email, and virtual platforms such as Zoom and Skype. I also provide in-person technical assistance with advance agreement.


Clients are expected to provide relevant background and contextual information at the start of a contract period.


In-person technical assistance is recommended for training of trainers or service delivery site assessment support. Workshop facilitation can be provided through virtual platforms or in-person. 

Technical Writing

Technical writing services are offered for program briefs, implementation learning white papers, technical approach summaries, and theories of change.


Services are agreed to based on individual need and can range from one time review of documents to comprehensive support from outline development through the final draft.

Workshop development and facilitation

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Workshop support service packages can be customized based on level of support needed.  Packages may include one or more of the following:

  • Agenda development

  • Facilitation preparation and coaching (remote support only)

  • Facilitation (remote or in-person)

  • Logistics support and coordination can be provided in addition to the above (workshops in the United States only). 

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